Ojos de Garza
Playa del Hombre

Ojos de Garza

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When the winds turn north they may leave even Pozo and Vargas completely calm. If your weatherman still promises nortthwinds and the aeroplanes seem to be landing and taking off to the north, it shows you that the wind is still somewhere out there. Just keep driving north until you find the windline.

 One place to try is the little bay of Ojos de Garza just north of the Las Palmas airport. Just take the next exit after the airport (Telde, Base Aerea), turn right and drive down to the air base gate. Turn left there, and drive to the village or along the barranco. You cannot miss the beach; it is just in front of you.

The bay seems to be quite safe place to sail with occasional small waves and a rocky beach. I never sailed here, so I cannot give you detailed information about rocks or reefs. Ask locals.

Playa del Hombre

The east coast is sometimes windy, but launching big gear may be difficult due to big waves and heavy shorebreak. I managed to find a good place to go out with formula gear just north of the town of Melenara. Just take the Melenara-Telde exit, drive towards Melenara, but turn left over the hill before the town begins. Keep driving until you reach the small sheltered beach.

The northern part of the beach is sheltered, but the southern side of the bay gets some good waves. It is easy to launch big gear from the northern side, but just 100 meters out the waves may be big and wind stronger than one expects. It is more difficult to sail big gear here than it is in the south; chaotic sea state combined with gusty winds may prove challenging.

The peninsula 5 kms south gives you a secure feeling, anyway. In case of equipment failure you will not drift all the way to Brazil. But as everywhere along the coast the waves break violently to the rocky points. There is a small harbour in front of the town of Melenara, so try to get there in case of emergency.